Published in 29 Jul 2023

4 tips to reassure you about using a collaborative platform

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4 tips to reassure you about using a collaborative platform
  1. Reassuring first steps on a collaborative platform
  2. Reassurance that the platform is easy to use
  3. Reassurance by reaffirming the benefits for the person concerned
  4. Reassurance through concrete examples


Sometimes we hesitate to start using a new collaborative platform, especially when it involves collaborators, service providers or customers, and shakes up a few habits.
Nothing could be further from the truth, but the first steps quickly dispel any initial preconceptions. Provided you choose a platform that’s intuitive and really easy to adopt. Be vigilant! The interface must be sober, clear and not offer 100 useless features that lose users.

So, what are the 4 points to reassure your employees?

Reassuring first steps on a collaborative platform

No installation with a collaborative platform

By its very nature, a collaborative platform is accessible online, and requires no specific integration or installation on a computer or in an IT environment. It’s important to make this clear and to communicate that access will be simple and straightforward right from the start of the project.

No need for training!

A collaborative platform, like Skeem for example, has been designed with all participants in mind. It was created with creative teams and communications departments in mind, as they are more accustomed to using digital tools. But also to all those who are less used to it. This is the case for internal services, business departments in companies that will be collaborating on the platform. Intuitive use is in the genes of collaborative platforms specialized in project management (like Trello). They offer a tool that’s easy to get to grips with. Adoption time is very short and requires no training. Anyone can start collaborating as soon as they log on. This is an important point to make.

Reassurance that the platform is easy to use

No need to be an app pro

Collaboration needs to be simple andstraightforward. The DNA of collaborative platforms like Skeem is to take a back seat to schedules, conversations and media. The interface is merely an unobtrusive guide to the content. Normally, these platforms are a far cry from the gas factories that can quickly become creative or internal organization software used as day-to-day work tools. For example, editing software and CRMs that require a lot of functionality. Reassure the people who work with you that this is, on the contrary, an ultra-visual meeting place for exchanging ideas, and that it won’t in any way modify the tools they’re used to in their day-to-day professional lives.

Notifications for peace-of-mind guidance

Collaborative platforms considerably reduce the number of emails, but they don’t do away with them! They enable fair and efficient use. You can reassure people about the use of the platform by explaining that each participant is kept informed in real time of production progress and important events taking place online. With just one click from the email, each participant arrives directly at the right place on the platform.

Reassurance by reaffirming the benefits for the person concerned

Time saving

Everyone is sensitive to time savings. A video production requires rigorous follow-up and involves many people. The simpler and more organized the collaboration, the less time is wasted. At any level and at any time. A collaborative platform avoids :

  • Communication errors and backtracking
  • Misunderstood production stages
  • Lost documents
  • Scattered emails and unnecessary search time
  • Tedious email returns
  • Obsolete transfer links
  • Storage and exchange problems

To name but a few…


Keeping abreast of developments and monitoring projects in real time means fewer problems and less tension. By anticipating and acting in the right place at the right time, everyone gains in serenity, and this is a virtuous circle on the road to success.


In a collaborative platform, everything is historized.
This is an important reassuring argument, because everyone has experienced these unpleasant moments of divergent visions, which make projects tense and slow down. The collaborative platform has the virtue of a justice of the peace, quickly calming the tensions that arise when everything is unclear and you don’t know who’s right.

Reassurance through concrete examples

Share your experiences

In general, the most reassuring thing is to talk about successful experiences. So don’t hesitate to tell us about them, and give examples of successful platform use that have made everyone’s work easier. For example, during the feedback phase on multiple versions of a video montage. Or the number of emails saved for the organization of a shoot because everyone was connected in the same place and notified in real time. Or the comfort of knowing that all the documents needed for production are centralized in one place, and that no one is constantly asking for them… In short, don’t hesitate to say that after your last project, no one wants to do without it, customers or creatives alike!

And a little tip to finish!

A collaborative platform, by its very nature, gives freedom to your project organization, your teams, your service providers, your customers and yourself.

The launch of production is the moment when you need to finish reassuring everyone. If you design your project organization, and therefore your planning, with a view to facilitating exchanges, your customers will naturally feel that their collaboration has improved in terms of productivity and comfort. In practical terms, this means that a stage in your production schedule will of course be a key phase in the production of the film, but also an opportunity to exchange important elements or a key discussion moment in the production.

Finally, provide visibility right from the start of the project, by presenting all the production stages and follow-up options available to all participants.

In conclusion for the production launch :

  • Think communication at every stage
  • Provide visibility right from the start

That’s reassuring, too!




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