The freelance production assistant with superpowers

The freelance production assistant with superpowers

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Organization essentials with no obligation!

A successful video project is a project that unleashes creativity.

On a day-to-day basis, many elements disrupt this creative dynamic and dilute the good mood...
How do you ensure that your opinions, deadlines and methods are respected in a collaboration where the balance of power is sometimes a little skewed?

How to do without superpowers? ;-)

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The essentials are very useful

Thanks to planning, image comment, validation, drive and messaging, you save time and improve your workflow on every project

You'll see the benefits right away!

Customer control

Opt for an engaging and efficient validation system: exchanges are scheduled, recorded, time-stamped and notified in real time

With a clear, easy-to-understand schedule, you'll avoid any misunderstandings.

Super creative and super professional!

Skeem professionalizes your image with Skeem methods and standards Instill a fluid customer relationship to stay focused on your core business

Offer comfort to your customers (and yourself ;-) )

A toolbox designed for you !

Friendly, dynamic planning

Friendly, dynamic planning

Drag & drop to create and share customized schedules super-fast

A single tool to review all your media

Review all files and use @ and "seen by" functions to communicate effectively

Share and deliver without constraints

Share and deliver without constraints

External sharing is free, permanent and viewable without an account No more hassles!

Skeem relaunches for you

Skeem relaunches for you

Your customers receive requests and reminders to unambiguously validate your work

A price to match your business

A price to match your business

Project-based invoicing, with no limit on the number of users

An ultra-simple application

An ultra-simple application

No need for training, your less experienced customers are taken by the hand. They always arrive at the right place at the right time

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What do you think freelancers need most from their customers?
As a freelancer, you're always on your own, that's the principle! But we work with a lot of people. From agencies to direct customers, we have to be able to adapt very quickly to each other's methods. It's a challenge!

And how does Skeem help you meet this challenge?
It's a simple, highly visual tool. This allows us to offer it to our customers. We don't need complex solutions, we just need to be able to talk calmly, avoid unnecessary back and forth, and concentrate on creating.

That's an extra cost, isn't it?
Frankly, not really. The price is marginal compared to what I charge for a film. I can easily incorporate Skeem's price into my quotation, even if it's a bit "shadow" (laughs)!

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