Legal Notices


Company Information

No Glitch SAS; 10 rue de Penthièvre 75008 Paris

Registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 851 156 539


The publication directors of the website are Stéphane Pézard in the capacity of Managing Director and Thomas Jacquemin in the capacity of Chairman.


SEO optimised website: Fabrice Picq

Videos: Skeem

Photos: Alexander Suhorucov / Andrea Piacquadio / Bali Demiri / Eunice Lui

The website is hosted by O2SWITCH, SARL, with a capital of €100,000, registered with the Clermont-Ferrand Trade and Companies Register under SIRET no 510 909 807 00024

ARCEP registered Telecom operator


O2switch is part of Groupe Zohey

SAS with a capital of €8,000,000.

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