You may produce videos, but that's not your job.
Managing freelancers, service providers or a communications department requires specific knowledge.
With Skeem, the whole production process is simplified for you.
The process becomes fluid and you keep control of your message.
The timeline centralizes schedules, media, messages, feedback, voice-overs, charters, etc.
Follow production in real time with email notifications
Never go back with the validation tool
Your feedback is fully understood and taken into account!
Make comments directly on media (video, image, sound or text) and accelerate the progress of each project
A clear design for ultra-quick handling
Participants guided through every stage of the project
Convey the image of an informed and knowledgeable video production contractor
Skeem gives you the keys to better guiding your service providers
Your user accounts are created in compliance with the RGPD
Payments are secure and comply with European directive DSP2
Teaching engineer / Wikipedia
Create your first schedule in 5 minutes! Let's go!