HR, Sales, R&D, Production, Finance, Support, IT... Take the power!

HR, Sales, R&D, Production, Finance, Support, IT... Take the power!

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The platform that simplifies your video projects

You may produce videos, but that's not your job.

Managing freelancers, service providers or a communications department requires specific knowledge.

With Skeem, the whole production process is simplified for you.
The process becomes fluid and you keep control of your message.

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Communicate without ambiguity

Simplify your exchanges with in-app messaging and media annotations

No one misses out on production progress thanks to email alerts

Enforce your brief!

At every stage, carefully manage the direction of your project: AD, messages, deadlines...

Provide clear feedback

Confirm before moving on to the next step

Engage your providers Unite your teams

Skeem optimizes all production roles

Skeem takes the friction out of organization

A smooth-running project is one we love!

Tools for creative test projects

Optimize your workflow at last

Optimize your workflow at last

The timeline centralizes schedules, media, messages, feedback, voice-overs, charters, etc.

Follow production in real time with email notifications

Never go back with the validation tool

Reduce the number of versions

Your feedback is fully understood and taken into account!

Make comments directly on media (video, image, sound or text) and accelerate the progress of each project

No need for training!

No need for training!

A clear design for ultra-quick handling

Participants guided through every stage of the project

Know how to talk to the pros

Know how to talk to the pros

Convey the image of an informed and knowledgeable video production contractor

Skeem gives you the keys to better guiding your service providers

Confidential and secure

Confidential and secure

Your user accounts are created in compliance with the RGPD

Payments are secure and comply with European directive DSP2

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Teaching engineer / Wikipedia

Skeem is a video solution, isn't that what you do?
It's true! But today, there's no escaping it! (laughs). In all departments, we experts are asked to take part or even have videos made. You can see the benefits because you've mastered the subject and the messages.

But, let's face it, we don't always have the best practices for video production. Does Skeem help you?
A lot! We already understand the steps involved and how production is organized. We speak more clearly to our service providers and to our communications teams, who are more used to it. And above all, we're in better control because we're monitoring in real time.

Do you use Skeem on a daily basis?
When you make videos, yes! We also use it to provide feedback on other media, such as pdf files, photos and text. If not, we'll pause it.

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Create your first schedule in 5 minutes! Let's go!